Wednesday, April 22, 2009


A windrose is a tool used by meteorologist to determine wind speed and direction. This circular tool is aligned with degrees as well as 16 precise wind directions.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

A unstandardized choropleth map does not have any values. Instead, it just notes the variable exists in the region. This is seen in this where only the most populous minority cohort is labeled a color on the map. No number is assigned to this variable. 

Univariate Choropleth Map

A Univariate Choropleth map only measures one variable instead of two or more like its counterparts. This map shows ranges in population in the US.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

Unclassed Choropleth Maps use the same techniques of choropleth maps. However, the shading does not depend on a range of values. Instead each shade is given a different value. This map shows population numbers in France.

Triangle Plot

A Triangle plot is used to show the values of three variables on a graph. These types of maps are used by geologist to compare soil deposits. However, they can be used for a variety of things. The graph above compares votes for different political parties.

Topographic Map

Topographic map are detailed to include all characteristics of the terrain. Specifically, the elevation which are denoted by the contour lines. This map shows a hiking trail that is thoroughly detailed.

Thematic Map

Thematic maps are simple maps that can portray an array of things. Most notably, geographic, political, economic, population features.

Steam & Leaf Plot

A plot used in statistics that is similar to a histogram. However, they differ because all of the data is represented in this plot whereas the histogram plots them often in ranges. They both show the same data but in a different form.

Statistical Map

A Statistical map incorporates data with any given map. It does this by using different mapping methods with the incorporation of the information. 

Star Plot

Another tool used to graph multivariate data that range from two to three variables. The data usually irregular and this is why it takes the from of a star.

Standardized Choropleth Map

A Standardized Choropleth Maps take data that is standardized to apply in many areas. The map still uses color to denote information.

Similarity Matrix

A similarity matrix is a matrix with similar outputs between two variables. This is similar to correlation matrix. However, it differs since it is not measuring regression.


A scatterplot is used to plot regression points on a graph. This is typically used in statistics to show correlation and variability.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps

Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps are similar to Proportional Circle Maps. However, instead of using a single size circle this map changes the size of the circle depending on the variables size.

Proportional Circle Map

Used by cartographers to add a symbol to conceptualize a given variable. This map uses the circle by applying the pie chart to further split up the data.

Propaganda Map

A propaganda map usually intends to be made with an intent to change information or mislead someone to believe something not entirely factual. Propaganda maps are used especially during war times such as this map which dates to World War II. 

Population Profile

A population Profile show the ages of a given population on a graph. This is shown by bar graphs split into both men and female data.


The Public Land Survey System subdivides public lands in the US. This is mapped by applying numbers to each plot of land. THis map shows a counties plots.

Planimetric Map

map designed to portray the horizontal positions of features; vertical information is specifically ignored. This map shows this since only lines are show and there are indications where things are underground or above ground.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

A Parallel Coordinate Graph is used to plot large multivariate data sets. This pictures shows this as there are many lines that correspond with a percentage and color.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

A nominal choropleth map uses nominal figures and computes them using a color scheme to map them. The map bellow show the percent of Black Condo Owners in California.

Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz Curve is a theory used in Economics to track distribution. This information is used to track variables such as income and population.


Light Detection and Range(LIDAR) system maps distant objects such as an space and the ocean floor. The technology uses light detection software that creates a 3D image like the one above.

Isotachs Map

Isotach lines are equal in wind speed. Line isobars they differ and vary in a map. The direction of the "L" looking objects indicate from what direction the wind is originating.

Isopleth Map

Isopleth Maps track down similar variables such as pressure fronts, precipitation, and surface elevations. Thus, each line has the same value followed by the lower or higher value next to it.

Isopach Map

Isopach Maps show the variation in thickness of a given geography. Often used by geologist to determine where oil is located underneath the earth. 

Isoline Maps

Isoline Maps show where each pressure lines are located. This clues meteorologist where pressure systems are located as well as what type of pressure it is. This map shows the isobars of the US.

Isohyet Map

An Isohyet map shows Isohyet lines which are lines that denote equal rainfall. This is used by meteorologist to track down precipitation in areas by using lines.

Isobar Map

An Isobar Map is used by meteorologist to track pressure systems that are associated with weather systems. This map shows a low over the mid-west of the US. 

Infrared Aerial Photo

Infrared Aerial Photos are taken by satellites using the infrared emissions given off by a land mass. The photo bellow is used to show an area that encroached by a river.

Index Value Plot

An Index Value Plot tracks the variability of a certain variable on a graph. This graph shows the variability in  in streamflow in the US.

Hypsometric Map

Hypsometric Maps are used to show an areas increase in a given variable. Most of the time it is used to show elevation in an area. However, this map shows the perception in Arizona.


A Histogram is a statistical graph that shows the distribution of data. This graph gives us a sense of data such as mean, median, mode, and range. Moreover, it can give insight on outliers that might skew data.

Flow Map

A flow map tries to track the flow of any given characteristic. The map shown tracks texas cargo shipped via semi-trucks. The deeper the color of the lines the more common this route is used. 


A DRG map is a Digital Raster Map. This map uses a scanned image of an area and breaks them up into coordinate systems that are seen in this map.

Dot Distribution Map

A dot distribution map is similar to a regression model in the sense that it tries to see where occurrences lie on a line. However, with the map cartographers use dots to denote a sop of interests and adding a shade to show the area that also shares this attribute. This map shows the military families and where they live.  


DOQQ Mapsor Digital Orthophoto  Quarter Quadrangle Map takes a quadrangle composes a photo. Once this is done the photo is superimposed with map features such roads and highways as seen in this photo. 

Doppler Radar

Doppler Radar is a common tool used my meteorology to show weather systems. Doppler Radar uses color to distinguish stronger areas of a storm. Moreover, it uses regular maps to show where the storm system is currently over. This map show a Hurricane over central Florida.


A DLG map also know as a Digital Lines Map is a common feature of current GPS technology. It is used to denote roads on any given map. This makes map reading much easier for the common user. This map shows how color and width is used to denote large roads with smaller ones.


A DEM Map also known as a Digital Elevation Model is a digital image of any given terrain. Instead of showing the top of a particular area this image gives you depth to make up the whole geographical area. This is useful while doing studies on rugged terrain and mapping. This picture is on an island and its geographical features.

Correlation Matrix

A Correlation matrix is a set of data put into a matrix and computed to find out the correlation coefficient of these data. Once this information is comprised it is put into a graph such as the one above to determine the correlation as well as the variability of the line.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Maps are maps that take data and use circles to show the occurrence and or strength of the variable. The bigger the circle the more of that variable is present. This map shows the Ph levels of standing water in this geographic area.


A climograph is a graph that show temperture and rain fall inches for a certain geographical area. The graph included two axis with bars and a line to indicate both variables. The map shows shows the climate of Manaus Brazil.

Classed Choropleth Map

Classed Choropleth Maps are similar to choropleth maps. However, they stay in one color scheme and focus on the intensity of that given color. This map shows the cattle emissions in North Carolina. Clearly, more rural parts of the state are shaded darker due to the increase in agriculture presence.

Choropleth Map

A choropleth map shows data by assigning like colors to certain variable. These colors vary by an increase an any variable. This map shows the amount of Latinos in the state of Florida.

Cartographic Animations

Cartographic Animations are like cartograms. However, they can be animated through the use of the computer or any other software. These types of maps are animated to show a progression. The current map show the structure of many things and the chain in command.


Cartograms are maps that interpret data in an interactive way. These types of maps enlarge areas with whatever variable is most abundant. This map has two variable. The population of the US as well as party identification.

Cadastral Map

A cadastral map has been typically used for property outlining. Most cadastral maps have a lot of squares denoting either property, counties, or cities. This map shows properties inside a county. 

Box Plot

A box plot is useful method of displaying statistical information. The actual boxes with dotted lines are often referred to as box and riskers plot. The statistical information include mean, median, range, and quartiles.

Black & White Aerial Photo

This black and white aerial photo shows a four way intersection. Black and white photos are taken to simplify the image. An picture with much color might distort the main focus of the photo. In this photo one gets the impression that the roads and intersection are the main focal points.